
Hokkaido and Tohoku

Tanabata illustration set

Tanabata decoration

笹 セット

七夕飾り セット 2

七夕飾りセット 3

Tanabata white strip

Tanabata 1

Tanabata set material

Sendai Tanabata 1

Miyagi tourism material set (1)

仙台七夕 2

仙台七夕祭り 七夕飾り

Miyagi prefecture specialty illustration set

七夕 カラフル系

Sendai Tanabata Fest

Night sky and tanabata decoration background


七夕 ピンク系


Blue tanabata decoration

七夕 ブルー系

Pink tanabata decoration

Two Tanabata decorations

Tanabata decoration

Miyagi hand drawn set

Sendai Tanabata-1c

Sendai Tanabata-4c

Sendai Tanabata-2c

Streamers set for Tanabata

Tanabata Decoration & Strip (7-color set)

Speaking of Miyagi prefecture, special products with names

Illustration of the Tohoku Six Major Festivals

The 6 Great Tohoku Festivals

Speaking of Miyagi prefecture, special products

Illustrations of the Tohoku Six Major Festivals Map



Sendai, Miyagi Tourist Attractions and Specialties

Sendai Tanabata Festival

Tohoku region tourism / gourmet map Name on map

Watercolor background of Tanabata night

Watercolor background of Tanabata night

Tohoku Three Great Festivals

Miyagi Prefecture

Tanabata frame


Tanabata decorations / parts

Festival Sendai Tanabata Festival

Tanabata's bamboo shoots

Tohoku Six Great Festivals

Tohoku region sightseeing and gourmet map
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