Developmental disability_distracted child

Boys who can't wait their turn, developmental disabilities,

growing up

Hyperactivity overconcentration, people's things are worrisome

Ear upset_tinnitus_hypersensitivity

Undressed students

A woman who is restless and moving

Children who cannot concentrate on class_adhd

Male bizarre clothes with embarrassment


A woman trying to hide a messy shelf

Girls with learning disabilities

A woman whose words do not come out well during a conversation

Children who forget things 2

A woman who is obsessed with hard thinking (identity)

Developmental disabilities_Children who block their ears

Take care of yourself

Marital quarrel

Developmental disabilities in adults who have a lot of work and hold their heads

A woman who notices a good smell

PC I can't concentrate on my work ADHD Yellow

A child who violently attacks parents with impulsive tantrum

A woman trying to hide a messy closet

Strong boy

Developmental disability confused children

ADHD_Children who can't concentrate on studying 2

A woman with flexible thinking (identity)

A woman who is poverty-stricken

A man who does not know what is the cause

You can be yourself

A man whose words do not come out well during a conversation

A boy who is restless and poorly rusts

Are you listening? I don't think I've heard the story

A boy who robs a person's toys


Developmental disability, sudden anger, surprised friend

Take it one step at a time

A person who is confused and worried

boy with temper tantrum

Developmental counseling pediatrics


You are not alone

Grey Zone

Concentration breaks Studying dislike boy

girl who can't talk

A woman who speaks too much and is amazed

don't queue

Male developmental disability that scratches the head


Not ready for school




Crane phenomenon

It's okay to take a break

I'm in a hurry What should I do Men

The desk is messy, untidy child


Rabbit 3 in the study Envelope with envelope and document blue

Dumb, adult developmental disabilities

What should I do if I'm in a hurry

I forgot to do it, but the man who lies

Children who forget things 1

Child who noticed something left behind

Being late, oversleeping and running to work

Boy who falls asleep during class




late run hurry adhd male

A child who puts up with wanting to move. Itching

Refusal of finishing toothpaste

Rabbit 3 in the study Envelopes and documents

It seems that everyday life is not going well

I forgot to do it, but the woman who lies

tantrum girl

Girls with learning disabilities

Girl spilling food

Men who can't get rid of No.2

forget it soon Juvenile Amnesia, Adult ADHD

man lying helplessly

People who are restless or get bored in meetings

A woman who notices an unpleasant odor

I'm in trouble! I forgot my cell phone!

A child who cannot sit in class

Undressed students

Menhera woman

A female patient who can not speak well to a counselor

A boy chewing a hyperactive nail

Rehabilitation play (newspaper play)

Children who reject unbalanced diets, tantrums, and dislikes

A girl who looks at the schedule and makes an outlook


Restless boy

Sensitive to sound

A woman who doesn't know what's causing her pain

Crane phenomenon

People who can't stop talking

Children who get bored easily, can't keep up, and have trouble concentrating

Children who lie
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