
Lecture Seminar Briefing

Sales / marketing tool icon

Isometric image of inspiration and solution

Businessman giving a seminar on a tablet

free to join icon

Those who take webinars, online classes, etc.

Illustration of a female office worker during an online seminar


Online Lecture / Class on PC_Men

Online seminar Female lecturer

Online seminar


People who watch videos or make videos on a PC, etc.

Men attending online seminars

Women attending online seminars

Men interviewing online

オンライン授業 7 個人授業

Online Seminar Lecture Men

Men explaining graphs online

Those who take webinars, online classes, etc.

Webiner, home lessons, web conferencing, etc.

Webiner, home lessons, web conferencing, etc.

Online interview class 2 people

オンライン授業 4 ノートパソコン

Remote classes and meetings using tablets

business people talking online

Teacher, lecturer, OL explaining online

Online Seminar Lecture Women

オンラン授業8 宿題/レポート

オンライン授業 3 スマホ

Young woman with glasses to explain online

People who watch videos on PCs, people who make videos, etc.

オンライン授業 2


People who hold online meetings on a PC at home or in a cafe

Online Seminar Lecture Men

Women interviewing online

A man giving a remote lecture/class on a tablet

Online Seminar Lecture Men

webinars/online meetings

Online salon women's class hand-drawn illustrations

Simple human doing telework

Businessmen having online meetings, etc.

A man holding a remote meeting and remote class

Presentation male business hand-drawn illustration

Man doing online consultation/counseling

People who hold online meetings on a PC at home or in a cafe

Online remote classes, man holding a meeting

タブレット学習2 男子

A man holding a web seminar on a computer

Online Seminar Lecture Men

Tablet online learning and webinar viewing

Remote classes and meetings using tablets


People who watch videos on PC

A man holding a web seminar on a computer

Webinar viewing, web conferencing on a sideways smartphone

Remote classes and meetings using tablets

webinars/online meetings

Online Seminar Lecture Women

webinar remote work

オンライン授業 6 校舎

A man holding a web seminar on a computer

Webinar viewing, web conferencing on a sideways smartphone

A man giving a web seminar online

Whiteboard Men Commentary Seminar

A man giving an online class/lecture

Online learning 2 boys

A man holding a remote class or meeting

Tablet online learning and webinar viewing

Tablet learning 1 girls

A man giving a lecture, meeting, or speech online

Whiteboard Women Commentary Seminar

Online Meeting Teacher Learning Education Cram School

A man giving a lecture, class, or explanation using a tablet

A man giving a remote class/lecture on a tablet

A man giving a remote class/lecture on a tablet

A man holding a web seminar on a computer

Watch smartphone videos / news, attend webinar

リモートワーク 02

A man holding a web seminar on a computer

Remote work mail


Middle-aged men giving online lectures and meetings

Business icons and world map and businessman

Network and world map and businessman

webinars/online meetings


World map, business icons and businessman

webinar/online meeting/monochrome

Men having an online meeting

consultant male silhouette

Remote meetings and classes using tablets

Online learning 11 boys troubled facial expressions

World map with businessman and business icons

People who hold online meetings on a PC at home or in a cafe

Tablet online learning and webinar viewing

A man giving a web seminar online

People who hold online meetings on a PC at home or in a cafe
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