Seafood set illustration

Dot map Fukushima

Dot map Akita

Dot map Miyagi

Dot map Iwate

Dot map Aomori

Dot map yamagata

iwate monochrome



Illustration of a completed two-lane highway

A slightly loose white map of Miyagi prefecture Tohoku

A slightly loose white map of Iwate prefecture Tohoku


Wakame seaweed d_v8

Bullet train

Seaweed B_v 8

Wakame a_v 8

Illustration of a simple Iwate prefecture shape

Wakame c_v 8

Wakame e_cs

Hoya 01

A slightly loose silhouette of Miyagi prefecture

A slightly loose silhouette of Iwate Prefecture

Oyster (oyster) illustration

Wakame illustration

Abalone illustration

Iwate Prefecture

Writing brush _ _ _ _ _

Hoya Illustration 01

stamp style icon


Sea urchin illustration

Scallop illustration

Tara (Pacific cod) Illustration

Iwate Prefecture Japan Map

Shake (silver salmon) illustration

Conger eel illustration

三陸 筆文字

Squid illustration

Iwate Prefecture Tohoku region prefectures Red-painted

Map of Miyagi prefecture

Salmon fillet illustration

Boiled strawberries - 4c

Octopus illustration


Brush painting wakame seaweed icon


Salmon roe illustration

Iwate Prefecture Tohoku region prefectures


Map illustration of Iwate prefecture

How to grill oysters on a net.

A slightly loose map of Iwate Prefecture, borderless

A slightly loose map of Miyagi prefecture without borders

Sanriku Railway 36-700 type diesel train

Station signboard Kamaishi Station_2

Station signboard Kuji Station_2

Station signboard Miyako Station_2

Iwate Oysters/Iwate Prefecture/Specialties/Specialties/Specialties

Boiled strawberries - 1c


Boiled strawberries-2c

Slightly loose Iwate prefecture map

Slightly loose map of Miyagi prefecture

Hand drawn sea squirt and calligraphy
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