Male shock gokigen set black and white

Female shock gokigen set black and white

Female shock gokigen set

Male shock gokigen set

A man being hit or falling

A woman being hit or falling

An office worker who is hit, falls or falls

A man being crushed, black and white

Devastated Woman

A simple image of the reconstruction of Ishikawa Prefecture

Broken hearted man black and white

Devastated woman black and white

Broken hearted woman black and white

A devastated man

Broken-hearted man

A woman who seems to have lost her energy and can't do anything

Broken hearted woman

Ishikawa prefecture image illustration

A woman who is in trouble due to out of stock


Disaster Support Nurse Men and Women: Gambal

Flappy cat gets crushed

Simple illustration of luggage and hands

Disaster Assistance Nurse Female: Explanation

Disaster area

Disaster victim consultation desk

A calico cat crouching and trembling

Cheer up meow


お願いします! ごめんなさい 落ち込む

Next episode preview caption

knock out


The hero of the tragedy, the calico cat

Disaster victim consultation desk

A shaved head crawling with a look of despair


Disaster Support Nurse Female: Ganbaru

Disaster Support Nurse Male: Hatena

Disaster Support Nurse Male: Oh!

Disaster support nurse male: pointer


Disaster Assistance Nurse Male: Explanation

Disaster support nurse female: Hatena



Depressed woman

Wearing a mask / risk of heat stroke


Disaster support nurse woman: Oh!


Disaster Assistance Nurse Female: Pointer

Good luck office worker (despair

Next, preview icon

Illustration standing at the closing of your favorite store

Wearing a mask / risk of heat stroke

It is an illustration that makes you feel overwhelmed when you look at your smartphone.

Disaster Support Nurse Male: Ganbaru

A weak rabbit that is crushed

Sad man looking at smartphone

A man in a slouchy suit

Shocked man on his knees

A man in a suit who is depressed

Disaster prevention kit

Disaster prevention series 10

A man drooping his head and crying loudly

A woman drooping her head and crying loudly

A man in a suit drooping and crying

A woman in a suit drooping and crying

A woman crouching and feeling regretful

A broken-hearted woman

Map of Ishikawa Prefecture with white inside heart_black

Map of Ishikawa Prefecture with white inside heart_red

A man is moved to tears by online news
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