adductor muscle group

head plate muscle

biceps brachii

psoas major

psoas major

Spine silhouette

piriformis muscle

piriformis muscle

thin ribs

elbow tendon

Semispinous tendon group

latissimus dorsi

Oblique posterior view of platy muscle

Vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius viewed from behind

adductor muscle group

Temple tendons

Cervical disc herniation No notation

Temple tendons

Latissimus dorsi, thoracolumbar fascia, gluteus maximus

Muscle fiber anatomy chart, no text

Elbow joint

Skeleton, posterior view, right upper extremity, with bone names

front thigh muscles

skeleton anterior right upper extremity

Knee Joint Mechanism Front

Skeleton back upper body male

Whole body skeleton seen from the side without ribs

Abdominal fascial system (anterior oblique stabilization system)

Skeleton side full body male no clavicle/scapula

Hip joint range of motion

teres major shoulder abduction anterior

Illustration of the teres minor

Illustration of the teres major muscle

Pressure ulcer-prone site in supine position

back muscle color coding

The front of the skeleton

levator scapula

brain simple illustration

Brain front view simple illustration

Simple illustration of human respiratory organs

Simple illustration of human respiratory organs

Cardiovascular illustration with English name (black background)

Simple diagram of respiratory organs with English names

long fibular tendon

internal oblique muscle

external oblique muscle

vastus lateralis

vastus medialis

tibialis anterior

plantar muscle

front of laughing tendons

Sole bone nerve

adductor magnus

extensor carpi radialis brevis

thigh biceps

Human figure of the hand

rectus abdominis

Angled tendons


pelvis oblique front

piriformis muscle

Fascia of the thigh (stabilization in the lateral direction)

intercostal muscles

pectoralis minor

transversus abdominis


gluteus medius

transversus abdominis

Behind the rotator tendon plate

gluteus maximus, iliotibial ligament

Forearm superficial dorsal extensor group

lumbar spine pelvis male

piriformis muscle

tensor fascia lata and iliotibial band

pubic muscle


psoas major

Forearm dorsal superficial extensor group

Semispinous tendon group

neck muscles anterior

Lower body male behind the bone

Skeleton, back, lower body, male, with bone name

Muscles that support the cervical spine (superficial layer)

Normal cervical spine and straight neck

adductor muscle group

longissimus and iliocostalis

Spinal Ribs

External rotation six tendons

Spine and human body diagram sagittal plane whole body monochrome

Skeleton Posterior Right Upper Limb

Skeleton, posterior view, right upper extremity, with bone names

Skeleton, posterior view, right upper extremity, with bone names

Spinal canal stenosis Misalignment of vertebrae

muscle/fascial meridian

Upper shoulder joint oblique posterior surface


External rotation・Internal rotation

Hand bones

Walking muscle activity (terminal swing)

bronchi trachea cross section histology
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